func runtime.readgstatus

41 uses

	runtime (current package)
		heapdump.go#L357: 	dumpint(uint64(readgstatus(gp)))
		heapdump.go#L412: 		status := readgstatus(gp) // The world is stopped so gp will not be in a scan state.
		mgcmark.go#L140: 				"status", readgstatus(gp),
		mgcmark.go#L207: 		status := readgstatus(gp) // We are not in a scan state
		mgcmark.go#L220: 			selfScan := gp == userG && readgstatus(userG) == _Grunning
		mgcmark.go#L735: 	if readgstatus(gp)&_Gscan == 0 {
		mgcmark.go#L736: 		print("runtime:scanstack: gp=", gp, ", goid=", gp.goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", hex(readgstatus(gp)), "\n")
		mgcmark.go#L740: 	switch readgstatus(gp) &^ _Gscan {
		mgcmark.go#L742: 		print("runtime: gp=", gp, ", goid=", gp.goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(gp), "\n")
		mgcmark.go#L747: 		print("runtime: gp=", gp, ", goid=", gp.goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(gp), "\n")
		mprof.go#L948: 		if readgstatus(fing) != _Gdead && !isSystemGoroutine(fing, false) {
		mprof.go#L1017: 	if readgstatus(gp1) == _Gdead {
		mprof.go#L1066: 	if readgstatus(gp1) == _Grunning {
		mprof.go#L1101: 		return gp1 != gp && readgstatus(gp1) != _Gdead && !isSystemGoroutine(gp1, false)
		panic.go#L1355: 	status := readgstatus(gp)
		preempt.go#L105: 	if mp := getg().m; mp.curg != nil && readgstatus(mp.curg) == _Grunning {
		preempt.go#L122: 		switch s := readgstatus(gp); s {
		preempt.go#L264: 	switch s := readgstatus(gp); s {
		preempt.go#L343: 	return (gp.preempt || gp.m.p != 0 && gp.m.p.ptr().preempt) && readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Grunning
		proc.go#L387: 	status := readgstatus(gp)
		proc.go#L563: 	if readgstatus(gp) == _Gidle {
		proc.go#L783: 	print("runtime:   gp: gp=", gp, ", goid=", gp.goid, ", gp->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(gp), "\n")
		proc.go#L784: 	print("runtime: getg:  g=", thisg, ", goid=", thisg.goid, ",  g->atomicstatus=", readgstatus(thisg), "\n")
		proc.go#L895: 	status := readgstatus(gp)
		proc.go#L976: func readgstatus(gp *g) uint32 {
		proc.go#L1156: 		oldstatus := readgstatus(gp) &^ _Gscan
		proc.go#L2781: 	status := readgstatus(gp.m.lockedg.ptr())
		proc.go#L3749: 	status := readgstatus(gp)
		proc.go#L3798: 	status := readgstatus(gp)
		proc.go#L4512: 	if readgstatus(newg) != _Gdead {
		proc.go#L4625: 	if readgstatus(gp) != _Gdead {
		proc.go#L5441: 		s := readgstatus(gp)
		proc.go#L5867: 		print("  G", gp.goid, ": status=", readgstatus(gp), "(", gp.waitreason.String(), ") m=")
		signal_unix.go#L743: 		if crashing > 0 && gp != mp.curg && mp.curg != nil && readgstatus(mp.curg)&^_Gscan == _Grunning {
		stack.go#L1049: 		print("runtime: gp=", gp, ", goid=", gp.goid, ", gp->status=", hex(readgstatus(gp)), "\n ")
		stack.go#L1168: 	if s := readgstatus(gp); s&_Gscan == 0 {
		trace.go#L331: 		status := readgstatus(gp)
		traceback.go#L860: 	if readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Gsyscall {
		traceback.go#L1186: 	gpstatus := readgstatus(gp)
		traceback.go#L1241: 		if gp == me || gp == curgp || readgstatus(gp) == _Gdead || isSystemGoroutine(gp, false) && level < 2 {
		traceback.go#L1250: 		if gp.m != getg().m && readgstatus(gp)&^_Gscan == _Grunning {